The Artists
Meet our Artists! We are so fortunate to have such a talented group in a wide variety of art.
Please follow them on social media and contact them directly with any specific questions you may have about their artwork.
Apple Girl Art
Audwynn Newman
Barbara Howrey
Betsy Bird
Dawn Hallett
Derek Payne
Dr. Lampster
FB: drlampster
IG: dr._lampster
For the Love of Speedway
Janette Fluharty
JD Bills
Jocelyn Sparkles
Jonathan Mummert
FB: jonathan.mumms
IG: jonmummertart
Laura Holm
FB: lauralondry
Laurren Darr
Michelle Sears
Monica Holden
Shannon McKeon
FB: shannonmckeonart
IG: shangoghdesigns
Skye Smith
Steve Hay
Travis Owens
Where Pigs Fly and such